Title: Inner arithmetic of rational points on moduli stacks
Abstract: The study of elliptic fibrations f : X → C of an elliptic surface X over a curve C (i.e. family of elliptic curves over a function field) lies at the heart of surface classification. |
John Tate (1925-2019) gave us wealth of essential mathematical ideas and constructions in algebraic number theory and arithmetic geometry, such as ' Tate's algorithm ' to determine the structure of elliptic singular fibers. |
In this talk, we will unpack the classical Tate's algorithm by explicitly
1. working with monodromy factorizations in the mapping class group SL(2,Z) of torus that corresponds to elliptic Lefschetz fibrations;
2. working with global section homogeneous polynomials that corresponds to k(t)-rational point on the fine moduli stack Mbar_{1,1} of stable elliptic curves; we will supplement conceptual understanding by Online MAGMA utilizing the following code:
KK<t> := FunctionField(GF(5)); |
E := EllipticCurve([0, t^5]); |
E; |
&*BadPlaces(E); |
LocalInformation(E); |
MordellWeilGroup(E); |
KK<t> := FunctionField(GF(4007)); |
E := EllipticCurve([-27, 54 - 2^6*3^6*t^1]); |
E; |
&*BadPlaces(E); |
LocalInformation(E); |
and see the geometric meaning of representable classifying morphisms. |