About me
I am a Lecturer and a member of the pure mathematics research group at the University of Sydney in Australia.
Previously, I was a research fellow at the University of Melbourne, MPIM Bonn and IBS-CGP Pohang.
I received Ph.D. in 2018 from the University of Minnesota under the supervision of Craig Westerland.
I'm interested in the arithmetic theory of algebraic varieties, moduli spaces with connections to number theory.
Particularly, the geometry of rational points on stacks and counting families of varieties over function fields.
Here are my profiles on Google Scholar, MathSciNet, ZbMATH, arXiv, ORCiD and Curriculum Vitæ.
I am organizing the Informal Friday Seminar at the Sydney Mathematical Research Institute.
Time: Fridays 9:00 - 11:00 am, Place: SMRI Seminar Room at Macleay Building (A12) Room 301.
MATH1004: Discrete Mathematics. The University of Sydney, Fall 2024.
Topics in NT: Totality of Rational Points on Moduli Stacks. KIAS Winter School, January 2025.
Topics in AG: Elliptic Surfaces - Classical to Moduli. The University of Melbourne, Spring 2023.
Projects in progress
- Tate's algorithm via twisted maps for genus 2 curves and abelian surfaces
- On the number of elliptic curves with positive rank over function fields
- Arithmetic of the compact moduli of elliptic K3 surfaces
- Motivic aspects of exotic smoothness on elliptic surfaces
Publications and Preprints
- Height moduli on cyclotomic stacks and counting elliptic curves over function fields
(with Dori Bejleri and Matthew Satriano)
< Preprint, arXiv, Journal >
- Étale cohomological stability of the moduli space of stable elliptic surfaces
(with Oishee Banerjee and Johannes Schmitt)
< Preprint, arXiv, Journal >
- Arithmetic geometry of the moduli stack of Weierstraß fibrations over P1
(with Johannes Schmitt)
< Preprint, arXiv, Journal >
- Enumerating odd-degree hyperelliptic curves and abelian surfaces over P1
Mathematische Zeitschrift, Vol. 304, No. 1, #5 (2023) (with Changho Han)
< SharedIt, arXiv, Journal >
- Motive of the moduli stack of rational curves on a weighted projective stack
Research in the Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 8, No. 1, #1 (2021) (with Hunter Spink)
Special issue of PIMS 2019 Workshop on Arithmetic Topology
< SharedIt, arXiv, Journal >
- Arithmetic of the moduli of semistable elliptic surfaces
Mathematische Annalen, Vol. 375, No. 3-4, 1745-1760 (2019) (with Changho Han)
< SharedIt, arXiv, Journal >
- Unique fiber sum decomposability of genus 2 Lefschetz fibrations
Topology and its Applications, Vol. 222, 29-52 (2017)
< arXiv, Journal >
- Lantern substitution and new symplectic 4-manifolds with b2+ = 3
Mathematical Research Letters, Vol. 21, No. 1, 1-17 (2014) (with Anar Akhmedov)
< arXiv, Journal >
Last updated: August 23rd 2024